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What is Fast Fashion

Think of the clothes in your closet, where do they come from? Do you know what they're made out of and how their made? Most peoples answer to this would be no I don't. That was my answer not to long ago until I learned of what fast fashion is and how much our clothes can effect the ecosystem. Fast Fashion is a marketing, design, and manufacturing tatic so the manufactures can make clothes in a bigger volume and bring it to the public. Whats so wrong with this? Well for one the clothes are being cheaply made because of how fast they are trying to produce them, this has a major effect on the environment since the clothing is not long lasting and uses chemicals, also these chemicals have a harmful effect on the workers.


What effect does the clothing have on the environment?


Something that not many people realize is that about 40 percent of clothes are rarley or never worn, but wait it gets worse. To create a T-shirt it takes 2,720 liters of water. Not only is the T-shirt being put to waste by not wearing it and throwing it away, but so is all the materials it is made out of. In the U.S.A about 10.5 million tons of clothing is sent to the landfill every year. Thats about 30 times as heavy as the empire state building. Not to mention since some of the clothing is made with chemicals it doesn't decompose or it will take an especially long time to. 


What actions can you take?


How would you not buy from fast fashion? Well one options is to upcycle your old clothes. You can make your old clothes into something new buy changeing it. For instance, you could cut pieces off or add zippers and patches to show your personality. If you need ideas you can find plenty videos on youtube of people making their clothes into something new. Also you don't just have to use your old clothes you could go thrifting and use one of those pieces of clothing. Thrifting is another easy way you can reuse clothes by going to a secondhand store and finding something you like. Although if your not to into the idea of wearing old clothes you can just avoid from buying from fast fashion brands such as, H&M, Topshop, and Zara. Instead you can buy from other brands such as Everlane, Outerknown, and Girlfriend co. 

Additionaly, we need to know what to do after were done with our clothes. One of the main ways people stop throwing clothes into the landill is because they donate them or upcycle. Upcycling is cool because it goes both ways it helps you not throw it away and get something new. Although there are other options, you could send your clothes to companies that will recycle them for you. One that I know of is Terracycle.



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